=============================================== Development workflow after the Repository Split =============================================== 1. Fork the test provider you want to contribute to in github https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo 2. Clone the forked repository. In this example, we'll assume you cloned the forked repo to :: /home/user/code/tp-libvirt 3. Add a file in ``~/avocado/data/avocado-vt/test-providers.d``, with a name you like. We'll assume you chose :: user-libvirt.ini 4. Contents of user-libvirt.ini: :: [provider] uri: file:///home/user/code/tp-libvirt [libvirt] subdir: libvirt/ [libguestfs] subdir: libguestfs/ [lvsb] subdir: lvsb/ [v2v] subdir: v2v/ 5. This should be enough. Now, when you use ``--list-tests``, you'll be able to see entries like: :: ... 1 user-libvirt.unattended_install.cdrom.extra_cdrom_ks.default_install.aio_native 2 user-libvirt.unattended_install.cdrom.extra_cdrom_ks.default_install.aio_threads 3 user-libvirt.unattended_install.cdrom.extra_cdrom_ks.perf.aio_native ... 6. Modify tests, or add new ones to your heart's content. When you're happy with your changes, you may create branches and `send us pull requests `__.